“It’s not enough to fight for the land; it is even more important to enjoy it.
While you can. While it is still here”
– Edward Abbey, author
Realizing that the fragile relationship between people, wildlife conservation, clean water and increased biodiversity on the landscape is as important today as it has ever been, Retreat is committed to a thoughtful development plan that complements
the surroundings our residents will inhabit. A plan that allows for domestic wildlife to flourish in the midst of a low
impact development.
Carefully planned design guidelines are the heart of Retreat’s plan with consideration given to building coverage area and tree removal. With a maximum planned density of 228 lots spread over 479 acres, Retreat will ensure that ample green space will be set-aside for its owners to explore and enjoy. In fact, over 30% of the land will be kept in its original state as undeveloped open space. In addition, Retreat worked with the Corps of Engineers to implement a community dock system thus minimizing our impact on the shoreline of West Point Lake. As a result, we were able to protect over 40,000 linear feet of shoreline thus keeping the pristine, untouched look of the shoreline intact.
Retreat’s mentality is not to maximize our footprint of the land, but rather to continue as thoughtful stewards of a landscape that Mother Nature has nourished all these years.